New York Police Department Announces Citywide Crime Statistics For July And August 2021
In August, the New York Police Department (NYPD) announced citywide crime statistics for July 2021, and, in September, the police department provided the crime statistics for August 2021.
Statistics for July 2021
According to the NYPD, for the month of July 2021, the number of murders and shooting cases in New York City went down compared with July 2020. Shooting incidents decreased by 35%, whereas murder reduced by 49.1%. The NYPD made 383 gun arrests for the month of July 2021, a 133.5% increase compared with July 2020. However, despite the many gun arrests, the NYPD noted that the overall index crime in NYC increased 0.2% in July 2021 compared with July 2020. This was primarily because of the increase in robberies by 8.6% and a rise in Grand Larceny auto by 13.9%. In July 2021, the crime of burglary reduced by 24% compared to July 2020.
Statistics for August 2021
According to the NYPD, for the month of August 2021, the number of murders and shooting cases in NYC reduced compared with August 2020. Murder decreased by 8.6% while shooting incidents reduced by 30.7%. The NYPD made 343 gun arrests in August 2021, a 6.3% decrease compared with August 2020. However, the NYPD notes that gun arrests for the first eight months of 2021 increased by 37% compared with gun arrests for the first eight months of 2020. Compared with the number of gun arrests for the first eight months of 2019, gun arrests for the first eight months of 2021 went up 30.3%. Overall, the NYPD reported that crime in New York City reduced by 5.4% in August 2021. According to the police department, the reduction in the general index crime was driven by a 10.9% decrease in robbery cases and a 27.2% reduction in burglary cases. For the month of August 2021, grand larceny increased by 4.1% compared to August 2020.
According to the NYPD, the number of overall index crimes reported in NYC through the end of August 2021 is the lowest tally for the first eight months of any calendar year since the beginning of the modern CompStat era, almost thirty years ago. The NYPD has made consistent progress when it comes to curtailing gun violence, especially because the department’s detectives continue building air-tight cases against individuals who cause violence using firearms. For the month of August 2021, every borough in New York City, except Staten Island, saw a reduction in the number of shootings.
The crime reductions of August 2021 reflect the NYPD’s relentless focus on reducing violence across New York City. According to Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, the NYPD is dedicated to developing better ways to police. With full-proof strategies, state-of-the-art training, and targeted deployments, NYPD officers remain focused on stopping individuals willing to victimize others through acts of crime and violence.
Contact an NYC Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been arrested by the NYPD and are being charged with a crime, contact skilled NYC criminal defense attorney Mark I. Cohen, Esq., at 917-414-8585 today to maximize your chances of preserving your freedom, reputation, and assets.