New York Police Department Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for February 2024

On March 6, 2024, the New York Police Department posted the crime statistics for the month of February 2024 on its website. For the month of February 2024, overall crime went down in New York City and shootings continued to decline. Overall index crime decreased by 1.1% in February 2024 compared to the same month in 2023. In February 2024, there were 8,919 crimes in New York City, whereas in February 2023, the New York Police Department recorded a total of 9,020 crimes. In February 2024, shooting incidents decreased by 15.9% in New York City compared to February 2023. There were 53 shooting incidents in February 2024, whereas in February 2023, there were 63 shooting incidents in New York City. The NYPD arrested 302 people for possession of illegal firearms in February 2024 and seized 463 guns. In the first two months of 2024, the NYPD seized 988 firearms. This achievement by the NYPD emphasizes the Department’s commitment to addressing gun-related crimes.
In February 2024, New York City saw a drop in four major crime categories. There were drops in murder, burglary, grand larceny, and grand larceny auto cases. Murder cases in New York City went down by 22.2% in February 2024 compared to the same month in 2023. The NYPD recorded a total of 21 murder cases in February 2024, whereas in February 2023, there were 27 murder incidents in NYC. Burglary cases decreased by 6.2%. In February 2024, there were 1,017 burglary cases in New York City, whereas in February 2023, there were 1,084 cases. Grand larceny and grand larceny auto cases also decreased for the month of February 2024 compared to the same month last year. Grand larceny cases decreased by 0.3% (3,608 vs. 3,620), whereas grand larceny auto cases decreased by 13% (967 vs. 1,111).
Robbery, rape, and felony assault cases in NYC increased in February 2024 compared to the same month in 2023. Robbery increased by 4.8% for the month of February 2024 compared to February 2023. In February 2024, there were 1,222 robbery incidents in NYC, whereas in February 2023, there were 1,166 cases. Rape incidents increased by 2.7% for the month of February 2024 compared to February 2023. In February 2024, the NYPD recorded a total of 116 rape cases, whereas in February 2023, there were 113 cases. Felony assault incidents increased by 3.6% (1,968 vs. 1,899).
The NYPD reported that in February 2024, overall crime in public housing developments decreased by 4.1% compared to February 2023. This was fueled by an 8.8% drop in robbery and a 13% reduction in felony assault cases. The number of arrests made in Housing increased by 14% between January and February 2024 compared to the same period last year.
Finally, hate crimes or bias incidents increased for the month of February 2024 compared to February 2023. Hate crimes in NYC increased by one incident for the month of February 2024 compared to February 2023 (28 vs. 27).
Contact an NYC Criminal Defense Attorney
If the NYPD has arrested you and you are looking for an experienced and dedicated criminal defense attorney, contact the NYC criminal defense attorney, Mark I. Cohen, Esq., at 917-414-8585. Time is of the essence, so it is best that you don’t delay to contact us.