New York Police Department Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for August 2023

On September 15, 2023, the New York Police Department posted the crime statistics for the month of August 2023 on its website. For the month of August 2023, overall crime went down again in New York City, and shootings continued to decline. Overall, index crime went down by 1.5% in August 2023 compared to the same month in 2022. In August 2022, there were 11,574 crimes in New York City, whereas in August 2023, there were 11,400 crimes. Shooting incidents in New York City went down by 23.5% in the month of August 2023 compared to the same month last year. In August 2023, there were 88 shooting incidents in New York City, whereas in August 2022, there were 115 shooting incidents. Between January and August 2023, shooting incidents in NYC have reduced by 26.1% compared to the same period in 2022. Between January and August last year, there were 926 shooting incidents in NYC, whereas between January and August this year, there were 684 shooting incidents.
There was a decrease in five of the seven index crime categories in August 2023. The crimes that witnessed a reduction in the month of August 2023 compared to the same month in 2022 are murder, rape, robbery, burglary, and grand larceny. Rape incidents went down by 23.4%. In August 2022, there were 145 rape incidents in New York City. On the other hand, there were 111 rape incidents in NYC in August 2023. Murder went down by 3.2%. The New York Police Department (NYPD) recorded a total of 31 murder incidents in August 2022, whereas in August 2023, the Department recorded a total of 30 murder incidents. Robbery incidents in New York City went down by 6%. In August 2022, there were 1,659 robbery incidents in NYC, whereas in August 2023, there were 1,560 incidents. Burglary and grand larceny went down by 15.1% and 2.8%, respectively. Burglary cases went down from 1,395 to 1,185, and grand larceny cases went down from 4,751 to 4,620 cases.
For the month of August 2023, felony assault and grand larceny auto cases went up in New York City compared to the same month in 2022. Felony assault increased by 0.3%. In August 2022, there were 2,389 felony assault cases in NYC, whereas in August 2023, there were 2,397 cases. Grand larceny auto increased by 24.3%. The NYPD recorded a total of 1,204 grand larceny auto cases in August 2022, whereas in August 2023, the Department recorded a total of 1,497 cases.
Hate crimes in New York City declined by 18% for the month of August 2023 compared to the same month last year. There were 51 hate crime incidents in New York City in August 2022. In August 2023, the NYPD recorded a total of 42 hate crime incidents.
Through the first eight months of 2023, NYC witnessed reductions in five of the seven index crime categories. Murder went down by 9.7%, rape went down by 12.8%, robbery went down by 5.9%, grand larceny went down by 2.3%, and burglary went down by 10.8%.
Contact an NYC Criminal Defense Attorney
If the NYPD has arrested you and you are looking for an experienced and dedicated criminal defense attorney, contact our NYC criminal attorney, Mark I. Cohen, Esq., at 917-414-8585. We can develop a strong defense strategy that can enable you to achieve a favorable outcome from your case. Time is of the essence, so it is best that you do not delay to contact us.