Debunking Some Common Myths About White-collar Crimes

Almost everyone has heard of the term “white-collar crimes.” However, many people do not understand these types of offenses and what they mean. A white-collar crime is a type of crime that does not involve violence. Usually, white-collar crimes are characterized by concealment or deceit to obtain money or property, avoid losing property or money, or gain an advantage. There are many types of white-collar crimes, including money laundering, fraud, and embezzlement.
Myths Surrounding White-collar Crimes
Below, we debunk some of the most common myths about white-collar crimes.
Myth #1: It Is Easy To Get Away With a White-collar Crime
People assume it is easier to get away with a white-collar crime than it is to get away with another type of crime. People believe that law enforcement officers do not invest in investigating white-collar crimes. This is not true. Law enforcement officers take white-collar cases seriously and pursue them as aggressively as they pursue violent cases. When accused of committing a white-collar crime, keep in mind that law enforcement officers will work tirelessly to build a strong case against you.
Myth #2: If Convicted of a White-collar Crime, You Will Not Serve Jail Time
You’ve probably heard that those convicted of white-collar crimes do not get sent to prison. Indeed, not everyone who gets convicted of a white-collar crime gets sent to prison, but it is possible for you to go to jail if convicted of a white-collar crime. Other penalties you may face if found guilty of a white-collar crime include fines, paying the cost of prosecution, home detention, restitution, and community confinement.
Myth #3: Prosecutors Are Afraid of Prosecuting Powerful Defendants
Being rich and influential cannot protect you when you are charged with committing a white-collar crime. Regardless of how rich or influential a defendant is, the prosecutor will use the same tactics they use when investigating violent crimes to investigate the defendant’s case.
Myth #4: You Serve Easy Time if Convicted of a White-collar Crime
Some people believe that when a person is convicted of a white-collar crime, they are sent to a minimum-security facility. However, the truth is that it is possible for you to be sent to a maximum-security facility after being convicted of a white-collar crime.
Myth #5: Only the Wealthy Can Be Convicted of White-collar Crimes
Because of the name, some people assume that only the wealthy can be convicted of white-collar crimes. Indeed, it is true that many white-collar crime cases involve bankers, CEOs, investors, and other wealthy people, but anyone can be convicted of a white-collar crime. This is because everyone is capable of committing a white-collar crime.
Myth #6: Any Criminal Defense Attorney Can Handle a White-collar Case
When faced with accusations of committing a white-collar crime, you need to reach out to an attorney who understands the laws surrounding white-collar crimes. Not all criminal defense attorneys can handle a white-collar case.
Contact an NYC White Collar Crimes Attorney
It is crucial to ensure you are well represented when facing accusations of a white-collar crime. Our NYC white-collar crimes attorney has years of experience defending people facing allegations of white-collar crimes.