5 Actions To Avoid if You Are Facing Domestic Violence Charges in New York

Being accused of domestic violence in New York is a serious and stressful thing. A domestic violence charge can change your life completely. A domestic violence charge could result in you losing your freedom, job, house, financial assets, and many other things. When accused of domestic violence, it is vital to handle the situation with responsibility and care to protect your rights and ensure a fair legal process. You need to be mindful of the actions you take after being charged with domestic violence. Regardless of the alleged form of domestic violence, there are some mistakes that no person facing domestic violence charges should make. Below are five actions you should avoid if you’re facing domestic violence charges in New York;
- Contacting the Victim
Even if there is no court order barring you from contacting the alleged victim, it is best to avoid contacting them. Do not call or text the victim. You may be tempted to contact the alleged victim and try to apologize to them or persuade them to dismiss the charges against you. Remember, whatever you say to the alleged victim can and will be used against you. Also, complainants usually don’t have the power to dismiss domestic violence charges. If you try to contact the alleged victim, it may be seen as you trying to threaten or influence a witness.
- Retaliating
After being accused of domestic violence, it may be tempting to seek revenge or retaliate against the accuser. Engaging in retaliation is ethically wrong. Retaliating against the alleged victim can also have severe consequences. If you retaliate against the accuser, you could face additional criminal charges. It could undermine your defense and strengthen the prosecutor’s case against you. Additionally, if you seek revenge, it could undermine your credibility and claims of innocence.
- Not Hiring a Qualified Defense Attorney
It is not advisable to go through a domestic violence case alone without legal representation. When facing domestic violence allegations, it’s best to hire a criminal defense attorney with experience defending individuals accused of domestic violence. Domestic violence can be complex. Trying to navigate the legal process alone can be overwhelming and intimidating. It can jeopardize your case.
- Ignoring Legal Advice
It is crucial that you listen to your attorney throughout the legal process. Ignoring your defense attorney’s advice can have serious consequences. Ignoring your attorney could result in you making costly mistakes, such as missing deadlines and failing to follow proper court procedures. It could increase the risk of a conviction or harsher penalties. You need your attorney’s expertise to navigate the complex legal process efficiently.
- Discussing the Case Publicly
Another thing you should avoid doing if you are facing domestic violence charges is discussing the details of your case on social media or with other people. Anything you say publicly can be used against you in court. Your words may be misinterpreted as threats, making your situation worse. Do not badmouth the accuser on social media or to other people.
Contact an NYC Domestic Violence Attorney
Are you facing domestic violence charges? Contact our experienced NYC domestic violence attorney, Mark I. Cohen, for help with your case.